Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 9/9/16

Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 9/8/16

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Charter Schools Gone Wild in California - Network For Public Education
Charter Schools Gone Wild in California - Network For Public Education : Charter Schools Gone Wild in California This introduction is the first in a series of four articles on charter schools in the State of California. All four will be a part of an extended national report on charter schools, entitled Charters and Consequences, that will be published by the Network for Public Education in 2017.
The Hype of Reform is Failing | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing
The Hype of Reform is Failing | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing : The Hype of Reform is Failing M ostly written by B Keller. The current trend in education is not living up to its “hype”. The rhetoric is powerful, and it sounds good, especially in sound bytes, but like the phone commercial says on television, “It makes sense if you don’t think about it.” Think about it. In New York City, the g
The Doublespeak of Ed Reform Regarding Charter Schools | Seattle Education
The Doublespeak of Ed Reform Regarding Charter Schools | Seattle Education : The Doublespeak of Ed Reform Regarding Charter Schools Originally published in The Huffington Post , by co-editor Sue Peters I can’t help but wonder if it isn’t an intentional Catch 22 that some people are trying to trap our public schools in– setting them up to fail, making it impossible for them to be creative or indep
CURMUDGUCATION: Testing Still Incentivizing Cheating
CURMUDGUCATION: Testing Still Incentivizing Cheating : Testing Still Incentivizing Cheating Yesterday out of Texas we have a new version of an old story-- a school that found a creative-ish new way to cheat on the Big Standardized Test. This is a predictable and, at this point, oft-noted phenomenon. If you take a bunch of numbers and tie them to high stakes, people will look for ways to manipulat
Black Teachers Matter - Lily's Blackboard
Black Teachers Matter - Lily's Blackboard : Black Teachers Matter The corporate reformers have wreaked havoc in schools across the nation. They’ve promoted charter schools and vouchers, slapped the “failing” label on struggling schools and students, and shut educators out of the dialogue. In the process, public education in many communities has suffered. And there’s been another result as well. “
News 9 education series finds 'joyful' learning in Finland - NonDoc
News 9 education series finds 'joyful' learning in Finland - NonDoc : News 9 education series finds ‘joyful’ learning in Finland T here are a lot of reasons why News 9’s special report, Educate Oklahoma , is bound to be honored with national journalism awards. The biggest reason is found at the beginning of its second hour, as the news team investigates humane, holistic, science-based paths to sc
Will Hillary Clinton's Education Policy Break From Obama's in a Huge Way? | Mother Jones
Will Hillary Clinton's Education Policy Break From Obama's in a Huge Way? | Mother Jones : Will Hillary Clinton's Education Policy Break From Obama's in a Huge Way? For starters, teachers' unions are already playing a big role. Before Hillary Clinton gave her speech at the Democratic National Convention in July, organizers fired up the crowd with a video extolling President Barack Obama's key pol
Taxpayers Sue Snyder for Theft of Revenue Sharing Dollars
Taxpayers Sue Snyder for Theft of Revenue Sharing Dollars TMCG Files Lawsuit Against the State of Michigan for Withholding Billions from Local Communities DETROIT — Taxpayers for Michigan Constitutional Government (TMCG) filed a lawsuit against the State of Michigan on September 7, 2016, with the Michigan Court of Appeals in Detroit. TMCG is suing the State for withholding billions of dollars of
Business Is Paying Handsomely for Raising the Charter Cap in Massachusetts | deutsch29
Business Is Paying Handsomely for Raising the Charter Cap in Massachusetts | deutsch29 : Business Is Paying Handsomely for Raising the Charter Cap in Massachusetts On September 09, 2016, the ballot committee, Expanding Educational Opportunities (EEO), filed its first funding report with the Massachusetts Office of campaign and Political Finance (OCPF). The EEO purpose is “to support greater educa
Pushed Out: The Injustice Black Girls Face in School
Pushed Out: The Injustice Black Girls Face in School : Pushed Out: The Injustice Black Girls Face in School “I think education is important, because nobody can take that from you,” a 16-year-old named Jennifer told Monique Morris, author of Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools. But Jennifer hadn’t attended school regularly for years. After being raped at age 12, pushed into pros
From Cuba to Germany: Meet our wonderful FEA members - Lily's Blackboard
From Cuba to Germany: Meet our wonderful FEA members - Lily's Blackboard : From Cuba to Germany: Meet our wonderful FEA members Our focus as educators is making sure all students have the opportunity for the great education that they deserve— whether they live in a small town in the Midwest, or on a huge military base in Korea. Yes, we’ve got members on military bases, too. And they belong to the
Will John Oliver Come Out of Hiding to Do His Show Last Week Tonight With John Oliver
Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | The Official Website for the HBO Series : "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver RETURNS SEPTEMBER 25 AT 11 PM" Big Education Ape: John Oliver's Last Week Tonight charter school clip spurs $100000 contest - http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2016/09/john-olivers-last-week-tonight-charter.html Big Education Ape: Charter Schools: Two Weeks Filled with Sc
“Educational Choice” is a slogan sick enough for Donald Trump
“Educational Choice” is a slogan slick enough for Donald Trump : “Educational Choice” is a slogan slick enough for Donald Trump Rhetoric can’t hide a failure to address inequality Donald Trump outlined his policy and philosophy for K-12 education in a speech at Cleveland Arts and Social Sciences Academy (CASSA) , a for-profit charter school in the largest city of battleground state of Ohio. The R
These magnets have become some of L.A.'s highest-scoring public schools - Los Angeles Times
These magnets have become some of L.A.'s highest-scoring public schools - Los Angeles Times : These magnets have become some of L.A.'s highest-scoring public schools New tests show the city's magnets have soared far above other schools. Read our guide to what it means and explore a list of how every magnet school scored. Before we start, let's review. What is a magnet school? A magnet is a public
How messed up is California’s charter school sector? You won’t believe how much. - The Washington Post
How messed up is California’s charter school sector? You won’t believe how much. - The Washington Post : How messed up is California’s charter school sector? You won’t believe how much. Ohio and Utah are known in education circles for having extraordinarily troubled charter school sectors, and the same is true in Pennsylvania, where Auditor General Eugene DePasquale issued a report this year and
CURMUDGUCATION: Leave Those Kids Alone
CURMUDGUCATION: Leave Those Kids Alone : Leave Those Kids Alone Pre-K is the growth sector of the privatized school industry. There's no existing institutional structure to sweep aside, and there's near-universal agreement that a good Pre-K foundation is important for all future success, coupled with research indicating that many of our children are already behind on the first day of kindergarten
The Devil is in the Details, Utah
The Devil is in the Details, Utah : The Devil is in the Details, Utah Some Utah parents are worried about afterschool Satan Clubs. I don’t blame them. However, and I’m no religious expert by any means, if there is a devil, I think it is always sneaking into town when and where you least expect. Utah, in my opinion, has some devil-like programs designed to eliminate public-schools. First, there’s
Low Test Score: Get the Hell Out - More Victims of High Stakes Testing - The Washington Post
School informed parents of low-performing students they could opt out of state tests - The Washington Post : School informed parents of low-performing students they could opt out of state tests As schools were busy readying students for state exams, teachers at Cora Kelly School for Math, Science and Technology, a high-poverty school in Alexandria, were poring over data to determine which student
Schools Matter: Facts about Los Angeles Charter Schools
Schools Matter: Facts about Los Angeles Charter Schools : Facts about Los Angeles Charter Schools from Carl Peterson: On Saturday, July 30, 2016, I presented at Charters, Privatization and the Defense of Public Education, a California Education/Action Conference at Richmond High School in Richmond, California. My speech asked “If the charter law was passed to improve education through competition
The Power of Citizens Over Public Education - Bridging Differences - Education Week
The Power of Citizens Over Public Education - Bridging Differences - Education Week : The Power of Citizens Over Public Education Deborah Meier continues her conversation with Harry Boyte. To read their full exchange, please visit here . Dear Harry and friends, Why do I have ambivalent feelings about the word citizen? I think probably because it has so often been used as a synonym for dutiful rat
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Standoff at Standing Rock as we await court ruling
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Standoff at Standing Rock as we await court ruling : Standoff at Standing Rock as we await court ruling With Defenders of Water School principal Elena and teacher Theresa. I finally found my calling after all these years. I want to come back here and be the basketball coach at the Defenders of Water School at the Standing Rock Sioux encampment. Susan and I showed up
Michael Sentance Is Exactly What the BCA Ordered - Badass Teachers Association
Badass Teachers Association : Michael Sentance Is Exactly What the BCA Ordered By: Terri Michal, Alabama BAT Originally published on Left in Alabama here http://leftinalabama.com/michael-sentance-is-exactly-what-the-bca-ordere What do appointed school boards, charter schools, high stakes testing and the (maybe) soon to be appointed Alabama State Superintendent, Michael Sentance, have in common? T
Judge locks up 4 more principals for robbing students: 'They deserve better'
Judge locks up 4 more principals for robbing students: 'They deserve better' : Judge locks up 4 more principals for robbing students: 'They deserve better' One by one, the convicted principals pleaded for mercy, insisting they lived for their students and had suffered enough already. One called himself “a hero.” But the judge sentenced them all to prison — longer than the defendants preferred, bu
Trump Promises $20 Billion to Destroy Public Schools
Trump Promises $20 Billion School Choice Offensive | The Daily Caller : Donald Trump Promises $20 Billion School Offensive Choice Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised a bold federal push on education Thursday, saying if he is elected president he will spend $20 billion to expand school choice around the country, and calling for an end to tenure at the K-12 level. Trump used a v
'Limited Access Letters' Used Unfairly to Ban Parents From Schools: Critics - East Village - DNAinfo New York
'Limited Access Letters' Used Unfairly to Ban Parents From Schools: Critics - East Village - DNAinfo New York : 'Limited Access Letters' Used Unfairly to Ban Parents From Schools: Critics East Village mom Stephanie Thompson with her son. Stephanie Thompson MANHATTAN — A little-known letter that's supposed to be used to protect schools from unruly parents in the wake of aggressive incidents is act
California's schools won't be judged only by their test scores, school board votes - LA Times
California's schools won't be judged only by their test scores, school board votes - LA Times : California's schools won't be judged only by their test scores, school board votes lifornia is officially done with telling parents that schools are only as good as their test scores. The state Board of Education voted unanimously Thursday to rate schools using an evaluation that includes many more fac
What if Randi Weingarten were U.S. education secretary? (Part 2 in a series.) - The Washington Post
What if Randi Weingarten were U.S. education secretary? (Part 2 in a series.) - The Washington Post : What if Randi Weingarten were U.S. education secretary? (Part 2 in a series.) A 2014 photo of American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten at her union’s convention. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, 

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