A WIN for Education in Florida Today!
The Opt Out Florida Network is celebrating substantial victories today with theOrder issued by Judge Karen Gievers. Mandatory Third Grade Retention is a cornerstone of Florida’s failed Accountability System that tests and punishes our students. Today was a good day for Florida’s students, but this fight is not over. Our work to support children being assessed on their 180 days of classroom work, to include the professional teacher as a primary expert in these decisions, continues.
As of today, a Judge rules Florida third grader can be promoted based on a portfolio or a report card, unless their parents have been notified that there is a reading deficiency.
Judge Gievers also confirmed that minimally participating (Opting Out) does indeed satisfy the requirement of the law.
In the coming days, Florida school districts, and the Florida Department of Education, will attempt to appeal and to ask for stays of this order. It could be heard by the Florida Supreme Court shortly.
On behalf of the families who have stood up in this lawsuit, we would like to express our gratitude for the support and generosity of all who have contributed, many repeatedly, to the legal fund. It is worth noting that many, many donations have come from educators all across the country.
While this challenge has the potential to cause statewide change, and offer support to other states looking to do the same, it will come at great expense.
Support the plaintiffs by donating to gofundme.com/StopGr3Retention
The Opt Out Florida Network
The Opt Out Florida Network
From Plaintiffs’ attorney, Andrea Mogensen:
Third Grade Retention Press Release Aug26
Third Grade Retention Press Release Aug26
Contact: Andrea Mogensen
Tel: (941) 955-1066E-Mail: AMogensen@sunshinelitigation.com
Contact: Andrea Mogensen
Tel: (941) 955-1066E-Mail: AMogensen@sunshinelitigation.com
August 26, 2016
Judge rules report cards do matter for third grade students
Education officials ordered to accept student portfolios or report cards for kids who opt out of standardized tests
Tallahassee – A Tallahassee judge delivered a decisive blow to Florida’s standardized testing scheme, telling state and local school officials that report cards and classroom participation can be used as an alternative when parents opt out of testing. In a watershed moment for students who were not promoted to the third grade due of their minimal participation in the Florida Standards Assessment test, Judge Gievers granted a temporary injunction allowing some third graders to be promoted where school A WIN for Education in Florida Today! | THE OPT OUT FLORIDA NETWORK:
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