Children should not be a number.: Opt Out by Vacation #optout2017

Children should not be a number.: Opt Out by Vacation #optout2017:

Opt Out by Vacation #optout2017

Why Opt Out?
What Opt Out is NOT.
Opt Out Myths & Talking Points

New York State Parents,

If your family is fortunate enough to be able to take a vacation next year, consider the time-frame for the New York State Assessments in ELA and Math for grades 3-8.

If parents are looking for a good time to take a family trip, I recommend during the state testing period.  It is a win-win in many ways:

First of all, this is a stretch of time when the least amount of true learning is happening in classrooms across New York.  The inappropriate length of the exams, combined with the set up and collection times, basically ruins half of our children's school days for each of the exam dates.   Basically very little academic progress will be made over the state assessment time period.

The NYS Assessments are split this year with ELA in late March and math in early May. 

While the March testing period is during a popular spring break period for schools and Children should not be a number.: Opt Out by Vacation #optout2017:

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